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When Virginia Díez first picked up a pencil to draw as a child, she never imagined that her passion for art would one day take her across the globe. A student at DigiPen Europe-Bilbao, Virginia decided to spend her fourth year at DigiPen (Singapore) through DigiPen Campus Exchange (DCE), a study abroad program that allows students at each of DigiPen’s three global campuses to travel and take classes for up to a year or more at another DigiPen campus of their choice. What followed led to an enriching journey filled with personal growth, cultural discovery, as well as lasting memories and friendships.

Virginia’s love for art and creating has been a constant throughout her life. “Drawing has been my main hobby and expression medium since I was a child,” Virginia says. “My biggest goal is to eventually become an artist who can inspire others through my media.” This passion led her to enroll in DigiPen Europe-Bilbao’s BFA in Digital Art and Animation to hone her craft and pursue her dreams.

In her second year of the degree program, Virginia met Singaporean students who were in Spain as part of the Overseas Immersion Programme (OIP). This cultural exchange was eye-opening, and the connections she made sparked her desire to experience something similar for herself one day. With encouragement from family, friends, and DigiPen Europe-Bilbao staff, Virginia took the leap and applied for DCE after that.

Her decision to choose Singapore was influenced by several factors, the first being a natural gravitation toward Asian culture, video games, and media. “A big part of my aspirations to be an artist was inspired by manga comics, anime, and video games like Final Fantasy and Zelda,” Virginia explains. Singapore offered Virginia a chance to be closer to these industries and felt like a gateway to future career possibilities. The country’s reputation for cleanliness, security, and efficiency further provided peace of mind for both Virginia and her family, and having Filipino relatives nearby made the decision even easier. “Having family close to Singapore gave me the definitive confidence to choose it as my destination,” she says.

Although moving to Singapore wasn’t Virginia’s first time living independently, it was her first experience doing so outside Spain. The move came with its expected challenges, and Virginia muses that getting out of her comfort zone and managing her own visa applications, bills, and other difficulties in a foreign country helped build her confidence for the eventual transition to professional life.

  • Virginia stands with two friends in a nature area.
  • Virginia stands with a large group of friends and colleagues in a plaza.

The biggest highlight of Virginia’s DCE experience has been the friendships she’s made since coming to Singapore. “People are what make any experience special, and this has been no exception,” Virginia says. She’s had the chance to join cultural celebrations, bond over shared meals at hawker centers, and even immerse herself in local traditions. “I celebrated Chinese New Year with my friends earlier in the year, and I’m looking forward to participating in the upcoming Hari Raya festivities with my Malay friends soon,” she says. Virginia is grateful for the warmth and cultural diversity here and has even “leveled up” to speak like a local. She initially found Singaporean pronunciations and Singlish tricky to understand but has since gotten used to them. “I find it charming now lah,” she quips with a laugh.

Singapore’s culinary landscape has also won Virginia’s heart. She especially loves the local hawker centers and appreciates how food serves as a gateway to appreciating local culture. The city’s walkability, abundant green spaces, and vibrant cultural scene have also provided ample inspiration for her art. Among her favorite spots is the S.E.A. Aquarium, which she’s visited four times and counting, as well as the Marina Bay Sands Bayfront area. Virginia brought her family there in January when they came to visit, and they enjoyed it so much they returned three times.

For students considering DCE, Virginia advises establishing connections beforehand to ease the transition. “Make contacts and friends in the local country beforehand to reduce potential culture shock and isolation,” she says. She also encourages fellow students to be proactive in seeking help and exploring all the resources available to them.

As Virginia wraps up journey at DigiPen (Singapore), she reflects on how much she’s grown — not just as an artist but as a person. She’s grateful not just for the growing technical skills she has learned, but also the invaluable perspective that comes from cultural immersion. “The world has opened up for me,” she reflects. “I am now conscious that opportunities are all around the world waiting for you, if you are determined enough to find them.”