Recent news and success stories from the DigiPen (Singapore) community.
DigiPen (Singapore) student film Cat Fight, created as a senior project heads to the Thurrock International Film Festival in the United Kingdom.
DigiPen (Singapore) student film Eye of the Beholder is currently being featured at the PLAY@NMS children’s gallery of the National Museum of Singapore.
Profile of the innovative audio-based survival horror game, Lurking, developed over the course of six months by students at DigiPen (Singapore).
Student game Descension: Depths of De’Mae becomes one of six finalists in the Independent Games Festival China (IGF China) Student Competition.
Five new games by DigiPen (Singapore) RTIS, BFA, and Game Design students: Flux, Nightmare, Mad Tea Party, Potawatomi, and Rorrim.
Three games from DigiPen Institute of Technology Singapore have been selected as student finalists at the Independent Games Festival China.
A group of DigiPen (Singapore) students completed a short animated film during their recent visit to the Redmond campus.
DigiPen (Singapore) student games Pixi and Void took home three titles at the annual Independent Games Festival (IGF) China.
Three DigiPen Singapore student games—Pixi, Terra: The Legend of the Geochine, and Void—were named finalists for the Independent Games Festival China.