DigiPen (Singapore) is dedicated to providing high-quality education in an encouraging and supportive environment. The Standard of Progress (SOP) aims to communicate the Institute’s minimum expectations of academic progress.
Trainees are required to read through and adhere to the SOP set by the Institute and refer to it as and when needed during the course of study.
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Grading System
At DigiPen (Singapore), we are committed to providing a comprehensive and transparent approach to competency-based assessment. We understand that assessment plays a vital role in evaluating the skills and knowledge of our trainees, and that’s why we follow a structured system that ensures fairness and consistency in evaluating their performance. Our assessment system is competency-based, focusing on two distinct outcomes:
Competent (C): This indicates that a trainee has successfully demonstrated the required competencies in a particular course.
Not Yet Competent (NYC): This signifies that a trainee needs further improvement or has not met the required competency level in a specific course.
Assessment Process
DigiPen (Singapore) has an assessment process to evaluate trainees based on the learning outcomes of the education, training, and established competencies. This process includes a combination of assessment methods such as practicums, practical performances, and written assessments.
Modes of Assessment
Each course at DigiPen (Singapore) is evaluated through three modes of assessment:
- Practicum: This assessment mode focuses on the practical application of acquired skills and knowledge. Trainees have the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in real-world scenarios relevant to the course, enabling them to apply what they have learned in a practical context.
- Practical Performance: This assessment mode evaluates a trainee’s ability to apply practical skills and knowledge relevant to the course.
- Written Assessment (Short Answer Questions): This assessment mode evaluates trainees through written examination, which consists of short answer questions, ensuring that they possess a strong theoretical foundation.
Our assessment process is conducted in a well-structured manner as follows:
- Day 1 to Day 13 - Classroom Learning: Trainees will undergo classroom learning and attempt practicum to gain a solid understanding of the course’s content.
- Day 14 - Assessments: On this day, trainees will undergo assessments to gauge their competency.
- Day 15 - Oral Enquiry/Classroom Learning: For trainees who did not demonstrate competency in Practical Performance and/or Written Assessment, an oral inquiry will be conducted. This process allows for additional clarification and learning to bridge any knowledge gaps.
Each course syllabus contains clearly defined course objectives, learning outcomes, course requirements, grading policy and allotment, and grading distribution. Trainees are made aware of the grading policy, performance standards, and grading distribution at the beginning of each course. The instructor measures the trainee’s achievement of the stated course objectives and learning outcomes based on the grading policy published in the course syllabus.
Attendance Policy
Classes are conducted from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except for public holidays. Attendance is a graduation requirement and will be taken twice per day for the entire duration of the course.
DigiPen (Singapore) adopts an attendance policy requiring a minimum of 80% attendance for each course. All trainees are expected to be present in class and maintain full attendance across each course’s 15 working days. Missing more than three days could compromise the trainee’s understanding of the course, and a valid absence document must be submitted using the Excused Absence Form.
To fulfill the 80% attendance requirement, trainees who have been absent for four days, regardless of possessing a medical certificate (MC) or valid reasons such as hospitalization or reservist duties, must attend a make-up class.
Only one make-up class will be conducted per course, scheduled during the weekend before the course concludes (Refer to make-up class schedule).
Date | Courses |
12 July 2025 (Sat) |
02 Aug. 2025 (Sat) |
30 Aug. 2025 (Sat) |
20 Sept. 2025 (Sat) |
18 Oct. 2025 (Sat) |
08 Nov. 2025 (Sat) |
06 Dec. 2025 (Sat) |
27 Dec. 2025 (Sat) |
Graduation Requirement
Trainees must maintain a minimum of 80% attendance and demonstrate competence in each course to receive a Statement of Attainment (SOA) issued by Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ). Trainees enrolled in the Technology in Finance Immersion Programme (TFIP) who received all eight SOAs will be conferred a Specialist Diploma in their specialization track by DigiPen (Singapore).
Academic Milestones and Termination
Trainees must meet two key requirements at the milestone for each course:
- Competency: Demonstrate competence in the course by meeting all assessment requirements.
- Attendance: Maintain a minimum of 80% attendance.
DigiPen (Singapore) places a strong emphasis on academic standards, and failing to meet these requirements may result in termination. Upon termination, self-sponsor trainees will be required to pay the full course fees for the course.
For TFIP trainees, DigiPen (Singapore) will notify the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF).
Self-sponsor trainees are required to inform the Continuing Education Office via email about withdrawal from the program. The Institutional Withdrawal Form must also be completed, as well as any full course fees for the course.
For TFIP trainees, refer to the TFIP Trainee Agreement issued by the IBF.
Upon withdrawing from the program, the trainee shall immediately return all materials in the trainee’s possession relating to the program, whether created by the trainee, or other trainees or provided by the Institute.
Grievance and Appeal Process
Regarding Academic Matters
Trainees who would like to file an appeal against a decision regarding their academic results in the course or program should discuss the matter with their instructor. If a satisfactory resolution is unattainable, trainees may file an appeal to the Continuing Education Program Manager. If the resultant solution is still unsatisfactory, trainees may then escalate the matter to the Provost. Decisions made by the Provost are final. Please use the Academic Grievance and Appeal Form to file an appeal regarding academic matters. Please refer to the form for instructions.
Regarding non-Academic Matters
Trainees who feel that they have any other type of dispute with the Institute should speak with the Student Life and Advising Counselor. If a satisfactory resolution is unattainable, trainees may file an appeal to the Student Life and Advising Deputy Director. If the resultant solution is still unsatisfactory, trainees may then escalate the matter to the Managing Director. Decisions made by the Managing Director are final. Please use the Non-Academic Grievance and Appeal Form to appeal non-Academic matters. Please refer to the form for instructions.
Academic Calendar
The following is the academic calendar for TFIP 2025. The academic calendar will be updated for every TFIP run.
Monday, 30 June - Classes Commence
1 July – 18 July - Classes Continue
21 July – 23 July - Intersession - No classes
24 July – 31 July - Classes Continue
1 August – 13 August - Classes Continue
14 August – 15 August - Intersession - No classes
18 August – 29 August - Classes Continue
1 September – 26 September - Classes Continue
29 September – 30 September - Intersession - No classes
1 October - Intersession - No classes
2 October – 17 October - Classes Continue
Monday, 20 October - Deepavali* (No classes)
21 October – 23 October - Classes Continue
24 October - Intersession - No classes
27 October – 31 October - Classes Continue
3 November – 14 November - Classes Continue
17 November - Intersession - No classes
18 November – 28 November - Classes Continue
1 December – 24 December - Classes Continue
Thursday, 25 December - Christmas Day* (No classes)
26 December – 30 December - Classes Continue
On-the-Job Training: 31 December 2025 onwards.
*The Institute is closed on all public holidays. If a Singapore public holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a public holiday.